

名列前茅 2024-09-30 OMRON欧姆龙传感器 1 次浏览 0个评论


The tremendous changes in the physical world have brought about unprecedented challenges and opportunities to the architectural design industry. Global lockdown and quarantine are still the norm of our lives, and our discussions still center around the pandemic. We came up with 3 open questions-about status quo and the future, and reached out to representatives of 100 global architecture and design firms, hoping to seek answers to the following questions.

被采访人 Interviewee


创始人及主持建筑师 Founder and Design Director


公司规模人数:7人  Company size: 7 employees

公司所在地:日本东京  Location: Tokyo, Japan








The projects we carried out this year are mainly as follow:

・Housing in Fujisawa City

・Factory and Exhibition Hall Design in Xuzhou

・Renovation of Niigata Civic Cultural Hall

・International Tender for Schematic Design and Architectural Design Development of Shenzhen Natural History Museum

・International Competition for Architectural Design of Shenzhen Conservatory of Music



Due to the pandemic, we tend to adopt telecommuting during daily operation. The revenue for last year has decreased.

我认为今后的城市建筑主题会成为“从共享、共生到共在的时代”  。



From my point of view, the theme for future urban architecture will become “An era that transits from sharing, symbiosis to co-existence”.

By co-existence, I mean people who are in favor of architectural diversity, would choose to “live together”rather than adopt a sharing or splitting lifestyle, and create a place where people can move freely on their own.


被采访人 Interviewee

费晓华 Fei Xiaohua

创始合伙人 Founding Partner

深圳雅本建筑设计事务所 X-URBAN

所在地:中国深圳  Location: Shenzhen, China

公司规模:28人 Company size: 28 employees



Started in panic, spent most of the time nervously, until the end of the year. In my memory, 2020 is like a late-arriving meteor, passing by in one stroke, thrilling between the light.



In Shenzhen, the glory and mission immersed in the high hat resonated with the government at the same frequency, and the huge responsibility and pressure spread to the design industry, and even small and micro firms like me. Several loud slogans flooded our ears: "Demonstrate first, set benchmarks, improve quality and efficiency, etc.", reminding us from time to time to design well and set an example to everyone. It makes us nervous and busy. Another voice: Positioning at a high starting point and building with high standards; international standards, world-class, flooding the Shenzhen bidding market, so overseas design companies have been sought after and become a big stage for them to consume and lead their tastes.



I, who care about health, pay more attention to healthy architecture. In China, the concept of healthy architecture will emerge. There are too many unhealthy architecture in China, one of which is ugliness, and the other is deformed buildings that ignore the natural ecology. Regardless of building performance, there are too many buildings with poor natural lighting and natural ventilation! That is sick architecture, which is unsustainable and will not last long. Therefore, the outbreak of the COVID-19 reminds architects that the design that ignores natural ventilation and natural lighting will be punished.

被采访人 Interviewee 

王子耕  Wang zigeng

创始合伙人  Founding Partner

Pills Architects

所在地:中国北京  Location: Beijing, China

公司规模:10-20人 Company size: 10-20 employees



The year of change. I can't simply say that this year was terrible. On the contrary, this year we made a lot of progress and gained a lot, which is an important year for the development of the studio.

目前来看疫情对业务的影响不大。我们的业务领域比较广,从展览、建筑、到城市设计。所以不仅没有萎缩,反而各类项目委托很多。我同时也是大学的老师,疫情在教学上的影响是比较大的,上半年每天要在线上进行教学,非常累。下半年疫情缓解之后,雪城大学为了解决中国学生疫情教学问题,特意安排在北京和上海两个visiting studio,我负责为期三个月的在北京Pills工作室的教学。


At present, the impact of the COVID-19 on the business is not significant. Our business areas are relatively wide, from exhibitions, architecture, to urban design. So instead of shrinking, many projects have been commissioned. I am also a university tutor. The impact of the COVID-19 on teaching is relatively large. I have to teach online every day in the first half of the year, which is very tired. After the COVID-19 eased in the second half of the year, Syracuse University specially arranged two visiting studios in Beijing and Shanghai in order to solve the teaching problem of Chinese students. I was responsible for three months of teaching in Pills Studio in Beijing.



From the information and management of the COVID-19 to the transformation of working methods, this unprecedented global isolation cannot be achieved without the Internet. And this is also the background and opportunity for drastic changes in the autonomy of architecture. The screen takes over the tasks previously carried by the physical space, and these tasks are the legitimacy of the existence of a modern architectural discipline with construction as the core. However, the loss of legitimacy does not make the architecture withdraw from the public space, but instead makes the architecture a scarce medium that conforms to the communication logic. The presence of architecture is no longer the presence in the same time and space, but is expressed in the "narrative" of various media. The close relationship between this field and communication will continue to impact the fragile subject boundaries of architecture. At the same time, the application of the Internet makes payment and logistics so that people do not need to have direct contact with the outside world, and physical autism and virtual social interaction occur simultaneously. Residence will no longer only contain functional spaces. Through a block of electronic screens, the capital simulacra in the digital age is not only a place for public consumption, but also a complex space penetration of private territory. These new changes require existing architecture to fill a new framework, integrate new resources and expertise, re-examine the relevance of the architectural discipline, and respond positively to real challenges.

被采访人 Interviewee

王晓东 Wang Xiaodong

执行主任 Executive Director

深圳大学 本原设计研究中心 Original Design Research Center of Shenzhen University

所在地:中国深圳 Location: Shenzhen, China

公司规模:20人Company size: 20 employees



Things are changing and worrying. I feel that this is one of the characteristics of modern human society. You can never predict what will happen and how it will happen. Everything that appears in 2020 gives a comprehensive example of this phenomenon.




The business of a design company is like a barometer of social and economic development. When society produces big fluctuations, it must be accompanied by bumps. In 2020, everyone will take turns facing problems such as "no one goes to work", "restricted business trips", "foreigners rushing to grab business", "expensesincreaing sharply" and "projects change due to the COVID-19", both in operation and in income are facing unprecedented tests in more than ten years. There are also many new things such as "online office" and "online meetings" that have to become new methods for the first time at work.




I experienced a sudden accident and gave me several strong changes: one is that as a person, I will cherish life and time more than before. When making many decisions, the order of priority will be adjusted; second is that being a technician I feel that I have made progress in understanding the appropriate density and form of human existence. In future work, these lessons will be gradually incorporated. The third is that my understanding of society has changed and I feel more objective and mature. This will help me make more correct choices in the future.


苏敏  Su min

设计总监  Design Director

澳大利亚柏涛建筑设计有限公司  PT Design

中国深圳  Shenzhen, China

公司规模:1200人左右  Company size: about 1200 employees



In 2020, we are still busy! The sudden COVID-19 this year did not interrupt the busy pace of the design industry, and we are still moving forward under high pressure.





The COVID-19 clearly divided this year into two stages, the first half and the second half. In the first half of the year, we can also "strain with changes", and in the second half of the year we must "switch with changes."

In the first half of the year, it should be the most severely affected by the COVID-19, but because of the lag of the projects, a large number of projects from last year need to continue to deepen. Our work mode has been moved from offline to online, with frequent video conferences to solve various professional lines. The COVID-19 has become a new theme of R&D and innovation, and we can continue the pace of last year’s work by "strain with changes".

In the second half of the year, under the influence of the COVID-19 and the "three red lines", the growth rate of the real estate market slowed down, but the design industry did not have a breather. Instead, the pace went faster and the work pressure was higher. A lot of our work is to cooperate with clients to do the preliminary forced emission calculation and iterative research on the COVID-19 situation of standardized products, and find the value transfer point of residential products under the COVID-19 situation. At the same time, it also cooperates with some real estate companies seeking new directions for transformation and development. For the design industry itself, we are also working hard to upgrade, redefining our core competitiveness in terms of design innovation, technological innovation, and service innovation. Face the changes in the market with a "switch with changes" mentality.



In the current COVID-19 situation, we need more than ever: human-oriented sustainable design concepts to guide architectural design. The COVID-19 changed our living habits and philosophy, and our psychological needs for lighting, ventilation and distance between people have been strengthened. In order to meet the mental health needs of customers in the post-COVID-19 era, the architectural space design must be able to cope with the customers' crisis mentality. In order to cope with various changes, the original single functional space is no longer unique. The switching of multiple functions forces us to create new space types and redefine space design. "N" may appear in the future. Louis Sullivan's "form follows function" reminds us of the possibility that with the change of function, the form of the building will become "N", and the style will also develop rapidly. In the future, variability will become a new theme of sustainable development.






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