

夸夸其谈 2024-09-29 PLC 5 次浏览 0个评论


Study in China website

Entrusted by Ministry of Education (MOE) of the People’s Republic of China, the website of studyinchina.edu.cn serves as an authoritative and comprehensive platform for international students who study in China. The information and services provided by the website include but are not limited to:

Provide the platform for foreign students to get information ranging from China’s national conditions, education system, to history, culture, traditional arts and tourism resources, etc .

Release information on policies and regulations on studying in China, scholarships, case studies and activities for foreign students, so as to enhance the attractiveness of studying in China, improve the quality and level of international students and enhance the international competitiveness of China’s education.

Serve as a platform for domestic universities & colleges to release their recruitment information for foreign students and to promote international education cooperation and exchange.

Provide online consultation and application advice for international students to select majors and courses in Chinese universities, and provide guidance for them to study and live in China.

Provide policy consultation and services related to internship, employment and entrepreneurship for international students, and serve as a platform for domestic enterprises or institutions to contact international students in their internship arrangement, employment and entrepreneurship.

Release information on the activities of graduates and alumni in China and provide networking services for alumni of China.


  1. 为国际学生提供了解中国国情、教育制度、历史文化、传统艺术、旅游名胜等信息的平台。2024澳门天天开好彩大全2024

  2. 面向国际学生发布留学中国相关政策法规、奖学金、来华留学优秀案例、活动等信息,提升留学中国吸引力,提高国际学生质量与水平,增强中国教育国际竞争力新澳门今晚精准一码。

  3新澳门今晚开特马开奖. 发布中国院校来华留学信息,提供中国院校对外宣传与展示窗口,促进中国院校开展国际教育合作与交流。

  4. 为国际学生申请中国院校不同专业、层次的课程提供在线咨询服务和申请指导,为在华留学生提供学习与生活指南。

  5. 为国际学生提供实习、就业及创业相关政策咨询与服务,搭建企业或机构与国际学生的实习、就业及创业对接平台。

       6. 发布留华毕业生和校友活动信息,开展留华校友联络联谊服务工作。






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