

疎而不漏 2024-09-29 OMRON欧姆龙传感器 2 次浏览 0个评论


By Sean McGovern





1. 如何玩龙与地下城(How to Play Dungeons & Dragons)

2. 龙与地下城基本规则(D&D Basic Rules)

3. 龙与地下城精华套组(D&D Essentials Kit)

4. 龙与地下城玩家手册(D&D Player’s Handbook)

   奥术检定和法术使用(Arcana Checks and Spell Use)

5. 龙与地下城城主指南第1部分(D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide Part 1)

6. 龙与地下城城主指南第2部分(D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide Part 2)

7. 龙与地下城城主指南第3部分(D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide Part 3)

8. 龙与地下城城主指南第4部分(D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide Part 4)

   休整期指南(A Guide to Downtime)

   被遗忘的规则索引(The Forgotten Rules Index)

   5版中的陷阱(Traps in 5th Edition)

   在5版中构建遭遇(Building Encounters in 5th Edition)

   当你在龙与地下城中死亡后会发生什么(What Happens When You Die in Dungeons & Dragons)

9. 龙后宝山点评(Hoard of the Dragon Queen Review)

10. 龙妈崛起点评(The Rise of Tiamat Review)

巨龙僭政跑团指南(A Guide to Running Tyranny of Dragons)

冰封城堡点评(Frozen Castle Review)

冒险者联盟(The Adventurer’s Review)

龙后宝山的优劣(The Best and Worst of Hoard of the Dragon Queen)

瞄一眼其他团队在龙后宝山中做了什么(A Look at How Other Groups did in Hoard of the Dragon Queen)

11. 毁灭亲王点评(Princes of the Apocalypse Review)

毁灭亲王跑团指南(A Guide to Running Princes of Apocalypse)

邪恶元素历史(The History of Elemental Evil)

邪恶元素亲王-伊米希指南(A Guide to Imix - Prince of Elemental Evil)

12. 逃离深渊点评(Out of the Abyss Review)

逃离深渊指南(A Guide to Out of the Abyss)

13. 施特拉德的诅咒点评(Curse of Strahd Review)

施特拉德的诅咒指南(A Guide to Curse of Strahd)

怎么跑施特拉德的诅咒(How to Run Curse of Strahd)

跑和施特拉德的最后战斗(Running the Final Battle with Strahd)

“前传”冒险(The “Prequel” Adventures)

施特拉德的诅咒点评修订版(Curse of Strahd Revamped Review)

14. 风暴之王的雷霆点评(Storm King’s Thunder Review)

风暴之王的雷霆指南(A Guide to Storm King’s Thunder)

怎么跑风暴之王的雷霆(How to Run Storm King’s Thunder)

云巨人的交易点评(Cloud Giant’s Bargain Review)

15. 地下城学点评(Dungeonology Review)

16. 国度的怪物和英雄点评(Monsters and Heroes of the Realms Review)

17. 瓦罗的怪物指南点评(Volo’s Guide to Monsters Review)

瓦罗的怪物指南预览(Volo’s Guide to Monsters Preview)

18. 哈欠门传说点评(Tales From the Yawning Portal Review)

哈欠门传说指南(A Guide to Tales From the Yawning Portal)

怎么跑哈欠门传说(How to Run Tales From the Yawning Portal)

19. 湮灭之墓点评(Tomb of Annihilation Review)

湮灭之墓指南(A Guide to Tomb of Annihilation)

怎么跑湮灭之墓(How to Run Tomb of Annihilation)

湮灭之墓同伴(Tomb of Annihilation Companion)

20. 珊纳莎的万物指南点评(Xanathar’s Guide to Everything Review)

21. 魔邓肯的众敌卷册点评(Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes Review)

22. 深水城指南:龙金劫(A Guide to Waterdeep: Dragon Heist)

23. 博德之门:坠入阿弗纳斯点评(Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus Review)

博德之门:坠入阿弗纳斯指南(A Guide to Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus)

24. 荒州冒险指南点评(Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount Review)

25. 冰风谷:冰霜少女的雾凇点评(Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Review)

冰风谷:冰霜少女的雾凇指南(A Guide to Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden)

怎么跑冰风谷:冰霜少女的雾凇(How to Run Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden)

26. 塔莎的万物指南点评(Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Review)

27. 城主帷幕荒州套组点评(Dungeon Master’s Screen Wilderness Kit Review)

28. 施特拉德的诅咒点评修订版(Curse of Strahd Revamped Review)

29. 范里切特的鸦阁指南点评(Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft Review)



1. 印记城指南(Guide to the City of Sigil)

2. 异域风景派系指南(Guide to the Factions of Planescape)

煽动者指南(A Guide to the Incanterium)

3. 痛苦女士指南(Guide to the Lady of Pain)

4. 无尽阶梯指南(Guide to the Infinite Staircase)

5. 异域风景切割者:失踪的冒险(Planescape Cutters: The Lost Adventure)




1. 波达尸(Bodak)

2. 魔鬼(Devils)

3. 深狱炼魔(Pit Fiend)

4. 泰拉斯奎巨兽(The Tarrasque)

5. 巴托瑞(Baatorians)- 在魔鬼之前生活在地狱中种族

6. 眼魔(Beholder)

7. 魔裔(Cambion)

8. 移位兽(Displacer Beast)

9. 卓尔精灵(Drow)

10. 吉斯洋基人(Githyanki)

11. 吉斯泽莱人(Githzeral)

12. 半兽人(Half-Orcs)

13. 恐爪兽(Hook Horror)

14. 巫妖(Lich)

15. 蛇发女妖(Medusa)

16. 灵吸怪(Mind Flayer)

17. 魔冢(Modron)

18. 梦魇(Nighmare)

19. 泥怪,史莱姆和果冻怪(Oozes, Slimes and Jellies)

20. 虹彩龙(Rainbow Dragon)

21. 巨颅魔(Sibriex)

22. 史拉蟾(Slaad)

23. 暴食魔(Solamith)

24. 织法者(Spellweaver)

25. 魅魔(Succubus)

26. 吸血鬼(Vampire)


1. 各版本我最喜欢的怪物列表(List of my Favorite Monsters by Edition)

2. 来自BD&D生物目录的怪物(Monsters from the Basic D&D Creature Catalogue)

3. 特拉提克之书第1部分(The Teratic Tome Part 1)

4. 特拉提克之书第2部分(The Teratic Tome Part 2)

5. 异域风景怪物纲要(Planescape Monstrous Compendium)

6. 向魅魔致敬(A Tribute to the Succubus)

7. 最好的魔法船怪物第1部分(The Best Spelljammer Monsters Part 1)

8. 最好的魔法船怪物第2部分(The Best Spelljammer Monsters Part 2)

9. 最好的魔法船怪物第3部分(The Best Spelljammer Monsters Part 3)




1. 很棒的食物和饮品列表(The Great List of Food and Drinks)

2. 毒药(Poison)

3. 次元袋(Bag of Holding)

4. 万恶之书(Book of Bile Darkness)

5. 混沌船(Chaos Ships)

6. 诸位面法典(Codex of the Infinite Planes)

7. 万象无常牌(Deck of Many Things)

8. 伊格维尔伏的恶魔志(Demonomicon of Iggwilv)

9. 炼狱契约(Infernal Contracts)

10. 艾恩石(Ioun Stones)

11. 七节权杖(Rod of Seven Parts)

12. 奇迹魔杖(Wand of Wonder)


最好的魔法船魔法物品(The Best Spelljammer Magic Items)




1. 大魔鬼


2. 巴菲门特(Baphomet)- 牛头人恶魔领主

3. 柯瑞隆(Corellon)- 精灵主神

4. 狄摩高根(Demogorgon)

5. 混乱的艾米瑞寇(Emirikol the Chaotic)

6. 格拉兹特(Graz’zt)

7. 格乌什(Gruumsh)- 兽人主神

8. 伊格维尔伏(Iggwilv)- 巫后

9. 朱庇莱克斯(Juiblex)- 史莱姆和泥怪恶魔领主

10. 痛苦女士(The Lady of Pain)

11. 魔邓肯(Mordenkainen)

12. 诺克提库拉(Nocticula)- 刺客,阴影和欲望恶魔领主

13. 混沌之后(The Queen of Chaos)- 第一位恶魔领主2024新澳门天天彩开奖记录?

14. 鸦后(The Raven Queen)

15. 施特拉德(Strahd)- 鸦阁城堡的黑暗领主

16. 提亚马特(Tiamat)

17. 维拉内斯芮(Verenestra)- 树精、风精与水妖精的女神

18. 战争公爵(Warduke)

19. 耶诺古(Yeenoghu)



1. 地元素位面(Elemental Plane of Earth)

2. 以太位面(Ehereal Plane)

3. 无尽阶梯(Infinite Staircase)

4. 正能量位面(Plane of Positive Energy)

5. 九狱(Nine Hells)

6. 印记城(Sigil)- 异域风景设定的核心

7. 冥河(River Styx)

8. 桑纳托斯(Thanatos)- 奥喀斯的深渊国度

9. 阿兹格拉特三重国度(Triple Realms of Azzagrat)



1. 异域风景的派系(Factions of Planescaoe)

2. 著名的D&D龙巢(Famous D&D Dragon Lairs)- 德拉苟萨(Dragotha),烈焰(Flame),英菲拉纳(Infyrana),乌崔西蒙(Utreshimon)和法尔科伦(Farcluun)

3. 龙与地下城1版的神祇们(Gods of D&D 1st Edition)

4. 秩序和混沌间的战争(War Between Law and Chaos)- 创造了七节权杖的冲突




1. 龙与地下城5版 - 凡戴尔的失落矿坑(Lost Mine of Phandelver)

2. 屠宰场(SlaughterGrid)


1. 有史以来最好的龙与地下城冒险 第1部分(The Best D&D Adventures of All Time Part 1)

2. 有史以来最好的龙与地下城冒险 第2部分(The Best D&D Adventures of All Time Part 2)

3. 前5遭遇冒险(The Top 5 D&D Encounters Adventures)





D&D过渡 - 剑湾灾祸(D&D Next - Scourge of the Sword Coast)


环节 1-10


D&D过渡 - 死于塞尔(D&D Next - Dead in Thay)

环节 1-13


D&D过渡/AD&D 1版 - 白羽山的阴影(D&D Next/AD&D 1st Edition - White Plume Mountain)

环节 14-17


D&D 5版 - 龙后宝山(D&D 5th Edition - Hoard of the Dragon Queen)

巨龙僭政笔记(Tyranny of Dragons Notes)

环节 1-18


D&D 5版 - 提亚马特崛起(D&D 5th Edition - The Rise of Tiamat)

环节 19-30


D&D 5版 - 毁灭亲王(D&D 5th Edition - Princes of the Apocalypse)

环节 1-14



AD&D 1版 - 芭芭雅嘎的舞动小屋(AD&D 1st Edition - Baba Yaga’s Dancing Hut)

环节 1-3


D&D 5版/2版 异度风景 - 魔冢大行军(D&D 5th Edition/2e Planescape - The Great Modron March)

环节 1-14


D&D 5版/2版 异度风景 - 影界(地下城杂志 第55期)(D&D 5th Edition/2e Planescape - Umbra(Dungeon Magazine #55))

环节 15-16


D&D 5版/2版 异度风景 - 死去神祇(D&D 5th Edition/2e Planescape - Dead Gods)

环节 17-30


D&D 5版/2版 异度风景 - 涅墨西斯(地下城杂志 第60期)(D&D 5th Edition/2e Planescape - Nemesis(Dungeon Magazine #60))

环节 31-32


各种5版/2版 异度风景冒险环节(Various 5e/2e Planescape Adventure Sessions)

环节 33-62(小标题懒得翻了)


血战(The Blood War)

环节 63-88(小标题懒得翻了)


艾伯伦冒险(Adventures in Eberron)



给城主的建议(Dungeon Master Advice)


1. 如何开始一个团(How to Start a Campaign)

2. 如何备团(How to Prepare an Adventure)

3. 如何创造和管理持续的故事线(How to Create and Manage Ongoing Storylines)

4. 控制游戏节奏(Pacing Your Game)

5. 成为DM的困难(The Difficulties of Being a Dungeon Master)

6. 成为一位好DM(Being a Good Dungeon Master)

7. 为什么很多团跑不下去了?(Why Do So Many Campaigns Fail?)

8. 跑城市团(Running City Adventures)

9. 为什么你必须准备一份跑团日志(Why You Must Keep a Campaign Journal)

10. 叙事性战斗(Narrative Combat)

11. 一次好团的关键(The Key to a Good RPG Campaign)

12. 如何从一次噩梦龙与地下城团恢复过来(How to Recover From a Bad Game of Dungeons & Dragons)

13. 找到你的DM风格(Finding Your Style as a Dungeon Master)

14. 如何充分利用你的NPC们(How to Get the Most out of Your NPCs)



1. ED·格林伍德(Ed Greenwood)

2. 戴夫·阿尔内森(Dave Arneson)

3. 克里斯·帕金斯(Chris Perkins)管家婆一票一码

4. 蒙特·库克(Monte Cook)

5. 加里·吉盖克斯(Gary Gygax)




1. 一起读一些魔法船内容(Let’s Read Some Spelljammer)

2. 一起读更多魔法船内容(Let’s Read Some More Spelljammer)

3. 前往灰鹰的魔法船(Spelljamming to Greyhawk)

4. 魔法船测试报告(Spelljammer Playtest Report)

5. 最好的魔法船怪物 第1部分(The Best Spelljammer Monsters Part 1)

6. 最好的魔法船怪物 第2部分(The Best Spelljammer Monsters Part 2)

7. 最好的魔法船怪物 第3部分(The Best Spelljammer Monsters Part 3)

8. 最好的魔法船魔法物品(The Best Spelljammer Magic Items)




1. 龙与地下城中的地狱(Hell in Dungeons & Dragons)

2. 地狱中的圣武士(A Paladin in Hell)

3. 迪斯的火焰(Fires of Dis)

4. 颅骨柱(The Pillar of Skulls)







无冬OL - 巨龙僭政(Neverwinter MMO - Tyranny of Dragons)




1. 如何获得艺术许可(How to Get an Art Commission)

2. 龙与地下城中的大失败(Critical Misses in D&D)

3. 桌边骑士 - 有史以来最好的游戏漫画(Knights of the Dinner Table - The Best Gaming Comic of All Time)

4. 我想一起玩龙与地下城的6个人(6 People I want to Play D&D With)

5. 为什么我讨厌当PC(Why I Hate Being a Player)

6. 冒险者联盟优化(Optimizing the D&D Adventurer’s League)

7. 龙与地下城中的许愿术(Wishes in Dungeons & Dragons)

8. 关于4版的10个很棒的事情(10 Awesome Things About 4th Edition)

9. 龙与地下城(Dungeons & Dragons)

10. 5大玩家手册封面(The Top 5 Player’s Handbook D&D Covers)

11. 5大城主指南封面(The Top 5 Dungeon Master’s Guide D&D Covers)

12. 关于Ed·格林伍德的被遗忘国度的更多有趣事实(More Fun Facts About Ed Greenwood’s Forgotten Realms)

13. 龙与地下城电视系列(Dungeons & Dragons the TV series)

14. 关于已出版冒险的痛苦真相(The Painful Truth bout Published Adventures)

15. 新冒险也能成为经典(New Adventures Can Be Classic Too)





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