香港2024正版免费资料,不是剧评(多图/超长)丨Why Women Kill之经典台词❥学习笔记(更新至第四集)

香港2024正版免费资料,不是剧评(多图/超长)丨Why Women Kill之经典台词❥学习笔记(更新至第四集)

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Misery loves company. ——Naomi


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You know what they say: It's not a party until someone breaks something, and that was expensive, so we must be having a marvelous time. ——Simone


It's funny, my first husband liked booze more than me. My second liked cocaine more than me. My third likes boys more than me. Am I the only one here seeing a pattern?——Simone


I've always thought of myself as this fabulous woman. But how fabulous can I be if nobody wants to love me?——Simone



Beth:I've decided not to say anything. If I put Rob on the defensive, it will affect our marriage.

Sheila: He's committing adultery. That's supposed to affect your marriage.

Beth: I'm just going to work harder at being a good wife. To remind Rob why he loves me. And then, hopefully……

Sheila: There is another option.

Beth: What's that?

Sheila: Confront the girl.……Go to her diner and make a scene.

Beth: Sheila, she might not even know that Rob is married.

Sheila: Oh, those tramps always know. Threaten to tell her boss unless she stops seeing Rob. Scare her to death.

Beth: I suppose that could work. But I just don't know where I would find the courage.

Sheila: It's right here, at the bottom of this glass.


剧集一开始的邻居独白和 QUE SERA SERA 那首歌相呼应,一生中吃到了三个大瓜的这位邻居还挺逗的:

I lived next door to a nice married couple. They seemed very much in love. Until the night someone heard gunshots, and the police were called. They said one of those nice people had been murdered.

I asked my mother how something like that could happen. All she said was, "Marriage is harder than it looks."



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Marriage is harder than it looks.

Years later, a rich couple moved into that same house. I always thought they seemed happy. Until the police came back, and I saw the body. The rumer was one of the rich people had killed the other.

I asked my fiancée what she thought had happened. All she said was, "Death is cheaper than divorce."



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Death is cheaper than divorce.

Last year yet another couple came to live in the house next door. They were young and seemed to have so much to live for. But, sadly, I heard the sirens one more time. I arrived at the crime scene to have my worst fears confirmed.

I turned to my wife and said, "Another love story has ended in murder. I can't believe it."

My wife looked at me and said, "I can."




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You know how housewives can be. They forget that their husbands need more than hot meals and clean socks.

Men want excitement and passion. Lots of women just forget to put in that kind of an effort.

They don't change their hair管家婆精准一肖一码. They always wear the same dowdy clothes.


Beth Ann感叹:You've already given me more than enough to chew on.

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I want people to envy our divorce the same way they envied our marriage.——Simone




He (Duke) was always accuing me of cheating on him. Of course, I was, but I would have appreciated a little trust.——Jade




If you're not going to notice what I'm wearing, why should I bother to wear anything at all?

You want to see th same old Beth? Fine. Here she is in all her glory.



Sometimes old dogs need new tricks.——Sheila


Sex is how women gain power over men. ——Sheila


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Sex is how women gain power over men.

Wives always say they'd want to know if their husbands wer cheating, but they never forgive the person who tells them.——Naomi


Beth Ann 在医院对Rob说的,此时的Beth还是对Rob心存幻想的:

You're drowning in the routine of your existence. I know because I'm drowning alongside you. But maybe if we help each other..2024新奥精准资料免费大全. we can survive.



It begins quite slowly. 它开始地很缓慢

With a look. 以一个表情

Or a gesture. 或一个动作开始。

And once the invitation is accepted...the tango begins. 一旦邀请被接受了,探戈就开始了。

It is a dance of anticipation. 它是预见之舞

Seduction. 诱惑之舞

Desire. 欲望之舞

And love. 也是爱之舞。

You know, some say it takes two to tango. 有人说,两个人才能跳探戈。

But sometimes, lurking in the dark... is a third. 但有时,第三者就潜伏在黑暗中。

Now, if you choose to dance with him, be prepared to deal with the consequences. 此刻,若你要和他共舞,就要做好应对后果的准备。

For passion can turn to jealousy. 因为激情会演变成嫉妒

Love can become violent. 爱会变得很暴力。

Yes. The tango exists to remind us the greatest love stories... End in death新澳2024资料大全免费. 没错,探戈的存在就是为了提醒我们,最伟大的爱情...以死亡收场。

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the greatest love stories.

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End in death.


Naomi: People can care deeply for one another, it doesn't always mean that they should stay married.


Karl: You see, this is where I think commitment becomes essential. Everyone makes mistakes, but if love is there, then there's a path to redemption.


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if love is there

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then there's a path to redemption



Married men who cheat also know how to lie.

出轨的已婚男人,撒谎技术也是一流。(嗯,smart girl!)

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Married men who cheat

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also know how to lie.


Tommy: Why do you keep defending him? He's lied to you, he's cheated on you and he won't leave your home.


Simone: The situation is complicated.


Tommy: Well, yeah, it must be, because it makes no sense. You should hate him.


Simone: I know, I know, it's just... He's my husband. He puts up with my extravagance and my nonsense. He tells me I'm beautiful when I need to hear it the most and... he makes me laugh in a way that no one else can. One day, I will divorce Karl, but I will never hate him, because I can't.


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One day, I will divorce Karl

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but I will never hate him


“I will divorce Karl, but I will never hate him.”


第四集戏剧性的片段还挺多的,Beth Ann吃了大麻,Amy要和未婚夫分手等等。


Your mother and I are sorting through some issues, and I'm not a perfect huaband, and maybe Brad won't be either, but love is always a risk, and I know it's easy to think this is never going to last, so why don't I end it now, but...the chance for love doesn't come around every day.

One must think long and hard before one casts it aside.



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love is always a risk

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the chance for love doesn't come around every day.


Beth: I have one question. 我有个疑问

Rob: What's that? 什么?

Beth: Why did you want to try marijuana? 你为什么想抽大麻?

Rob: I thought it would be fun to break the rules. Does that sound stupid? 我觉得打破规矩会很有趣。是不是很蠢?

Beth: Not at all. 一点也不。

Rob: My life feels like one of those stupid swan napkins. It's rigid, it's all tight folds and sharp edges. And people admire it, but it takes so much work. And it's goddamned exhausting.


Beth: Course it is. We've forgotten to find time in our life for joy. 确实如此。我们忘记在生活中抽出时间找乐子了。

Rob: Joy? Hell, I'd settle for a few laughs now and then. 乐子?偶尔能放声大笑我就满足了。

Beth: I would love to hear you laugh again. I'd break every rule in the book for that. 我想再次听到你大笑,为此我愿意去打破所有规矩。

Rob: I'm starting to realize you're not the good little girl I thought you were. 我开始意识到你不是我印象中的那个乖乖女了。

Beth: No, sir. I'm a rebel. 是的先生,我是叛逆女孩。

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I'm a rebel.




The purpose of an autopsy is to provide clarity. 尸检的目的是为了提供真相。

How did the victim die? 受害者是怎么死的?

Was death the result of a gunshot? 是中枪身亡的吗?

Stabbing? 是被捅死的?

Poison? 被毒死的?

How someone is killede is easy to understand. 要明白一个人是怎么死的其实很简单。

Why it happened, that's never so simple. 至于为何被杀,就远非那么简单了。

But it always begins with a choice. 但它总是始于一个选择。

It might be a decision to conduct a tawdry affair. 也许是一个开始一段婚外情的决定

A plan to keep secrets from a loved one. 一个对所爱之人隐瞒秘密的计划

Or an agreement to bring a stranger into your bed.或者是一个,把陌生人请上床来的协定。

Yes, people make all sorts of questionable choices. 是的,人们会做出各种各样值得商榷的选择。

Of course, that's what keeps me in business. 当然,这也是我能有活干的原因。


If you vist your local morgue, you'll find the bodies of good people who made bad choices.


Some engaged in reckless love affairs.


Some invited violent strangers into their home.


And some kept dark secrets from those they loved.


Yes, it's choices like these that lead to death.


And more importantly, murder.



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